Những kiêng kỵ khi làm cổng nhà mang đến xui rủi, cần tránh

Những kiêng kỵ khi làm cổng nhà mang đến xui rủi, cần tránh
Bạn đang xem: Những kiêng kỵ khi làm cổng nhà mang đến xui rủi, cần tránh tại truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn

The gate is an indispensable design of the house. According to feng shui, the gate of the house is designed incorrectly, committing taboos will bring bad luck to the whole family. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the design of the bedroom, living room or kitchen space, the outside decoration also needs to be focused. So taboo when making the gate What is that? Learn with truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn to perfect the perfect gate design.

Why is the gate important?

The house is often likened to a living body and the gate of the house will be the mouth of that house. All vitality will pass through the main door to circulate into the house. The house can avoid bad luck, welcome luck, bring vitality into the house or not depends on the gate of the house.

Beautiful gate
The gate is an indispensable part of a house

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Make sure your family is safe

The main gate, in addition to the aesthetic factor, also plays a special role in ensuring the security of the house. Therefore, depending on the aesthetic taste and economic conditions to choose materials to build the gate for solidity, ensure the safety of the family.

If in the past stone and brick materials were commonly used, now modern construction materials such as iron, stainless steel, wood … are more popular. Because of the advantages in terms of aesthetics and features, making the main gate more soft and luxurious.

Increase the aesthetics of the house

The main gate is the first highlight of the house, creating a unique beauty. The gate of the house also clearly shows the aesthetic taste and personality of the owner. The gate is a transitional space, creating a space between the outside and the garden. Therefore, a beautiful design will help increase the aesthetics as well as the overall unity of the whole house.

building gate
Taboo when making a house gate to help increase the aesthetics of the house

Has great feng shui meaning

According to feng shui, the main gate plays the most important role in every house. Because all good energies will follow the main gate to enter the house, affecting all members of the house. Thanks to that, the house will receive happiness, fortune, luck, avoid risks and bad luck in life. That is the reason that you must carefully consider the taboos when making the gate before construction.

>>> See more: See now how to find the size of the house gate according to the feng shui board hole size

Taboos when making a house gate must know

The main gate plays an important role in prosperity, fortune and peace in the house. Homeowners need to see a good direction to build the main gate, avoid taboo things when making the gate. Choosing a good direction, the owner’s career and reputation will be more advanced, good health. On the contrary, building the main gate in a bad direction will encounter many bad luck in career and life.

Taboo when making a house gate helps the owner's affairs to be more peaceful
Taboo when making a house gate helps the owner’s affairs to be more peaceful

The gate of the house should not face the toilet door

The main gate is the place to receive many good energies into the house. Meanwhile, the toilet is a place where there are many negative and unclean gases. Therefore, absolutely avoid building a house gate opposite the toilet, avoiding committing taboos when making a house gate.

>>>You may be interested: See now how to find the size of the house gate according to the feng shui board hole size

The door of the house should not face the bedroom door

The bedroom is the resting space for the whole family after a long day of work and study. This space needs to be discreet, quiet, comfortable and contain air conditioning. It is not recommended to build a gate opposite the bedroom because it will cause a lot of noise and bad air to rush into the house, affecting the sleep and health of the owner.

The gate of the house should not face the elevator

According to feng shui, if you build the main gate facing the elevator, everything in the family will be seen by outsiders. If you live in an apartment, you should note this to avoid taboos when making a gate. Otherwise, the owner will have a feeling of being scrutinized in his private life, and the market is not good from the outside.

how to build a house
The main gate is the place to welcome the vitality into the house

The gate should not face the kitchen

The taboo when making the next house gate is that the gate must not face the kitchen. The kitchen is a warm place, keeping the happiness of the house. The kitchen space directly affects the happiness and health of the members. Absolutely abstain from building the kitchen door opposite the main gate. Fortune and fortune will follow that to the outside.

The gate of the house should not face the tree

According to feng shui, large trees should not face the gate of the house. This will have a negative effect on the homeowner. This is a taboo when making an important house gate you should note. In addition, it is also necessary to avoid water holes, avoid building gates facing directly towards the flowing water.

The gate of the house should not be in direct conflict with the road

The path leading directly to the gate of the house will be proportional to the level of danger. Therefore, building a house gate is in direct opposition to the main road and it is taboo when making a house gate. The vehicles also easily rush into the gate, difficult to avoid bad things for the homeowner.

main road
The gate of the house avoids conflict with the road

Avoid to main gate against sharps

Another thing to keep in mind when making a house gate is to keep the main gate facing electric poles and sharp objects. This way of construction will make the members of the house susceptible to some cardiovascular diseases, fires, etc. If you have built it this way, you can put a pair of stone lions at the gate or hang a convex bagua mirror to neutralize it.

Avoid being too tight on high-walled gates

The size of the main gate should be proportionate and in harmony with the overall look of the house. It is absolutely necessary to avoid building high-walled gates. Because this is a man with an arrogant heart, easily encountering the ultimate disaster. Note that the gate should not be too small or too wide, simply decorate the house gate, avoid weird shapes or too confusing decorations.

overall house
The main gate size is in harmony with the overall size

The gate of the cavalry house kills, kills, kills, and kills

  • Aquatic: Avoid building gates facing waterfalls, fountains, willow trees, etc. Homeowners are prone to having their children lose their temper, and their family has an adulterer.
  • Fire: Absolutely do not build gates facing parking lots, bus stops, gas stations, crematoriums, morgues. According to feng shui, this construction is easy to cause the owner to have heart disease or eye disease.
  • Assassination: People’s Committees, police stations, courts, procuratorates, cemeteries, temples and shrines have many negative auras. Therefore, the gate of the house should avoid facing these positions, to avoid the family having a disaster, a strange story.
  • Feng Shui: Another thing to keep in mind when making a house gate is that the gate should avoid facing a deserted field. This construction style easily makes homeowners isolated in life, suffering from mental or neurological diseases.

Main gate size is too high

Building the main gate too high will affect finance, loss of money, especially when building a level 4 house. Homeowners need to carefully calculate the size, height, and width to best suit. In addition, you can plant more trees to make the gate more beautiful and have more vitality.

residential fence
Do not build the main gate of the house too high

Drainage system to the main gate

Water represents the homeowner’s fortune line. If the water drains out through the main gate, it means financial loss. The taboo when making this gate should be noted. And the solution is to build an underground drainage system so that the water inside the house will not escape through the main gate.

Note about feng shui when building a house gate

Gate direction

According to the five elements

Some notes and taboos when making a house gate according to the five elements are as follows:

  • The owner of Kim’s destiny needs to avoid the South direction. Because the South direction belongs to Fire, Fire is engraved with Kim, so it is not beneficial for the homeowner.
  • Owners of the Moc par should avoid the Northwest and West directions. These two directions belong to the Kim direction. But Kim carving Moc is not beneficial to the homeowner.
  • Homeowners of Thuy’s destiny should avoid building gates in the Northeast and Southwest directions. These two directions belong to the Tho and Thuy side, so they will put homeowners at a disadvantage.
  • The owner of the Fire element should avoid building the gate in the North direction. The North direction belongs to the element of Water, Water and Fire, which are incompatible with each other, which is definitely not good for the homeowner.
  • Homeowners of the Earth destiny should avoid the East and Southeast directions. Because these two directions belong to Moc, carving Tho is not good for homeowners.
Five Elements
Design the house gate according to the five elements

In the direction of the mascot

Homeowners can open the gate in the direction of the mascot. It is possible to form the orientation rule of the house gate based on the 4 main directions corresponding to the 4 mascots as follows:

  • East direction: Left direction – Thanh Long
  • South direction: Forward direction – Chu Tuoc
  • West direction: Right direction – White Tiger
  • North direction: Rear direction – Huyen Vu

According to the map Bat Trach (Bagua)

Feng shui gate brings good luck, so it is possible to open the gate based on the surrounding terrain. According to the concept of the bagua, the gate should be open to welcome the incoming water because water is seen as incoming fortune:

  • If the left side of the house (Thanh Long) is low, and the right side of the house (White Tiger) is high, the gate should be opened to the left, ie the side of the Dragon.
  • If the right side of the house (White Tiger) is lower than the left side of the house (Thanh Long), the gate should be opened on the right side, which is the Bach Ho side.
  • If the terrain on both sides of the house is flat, the layout of the gate is in the middle of the house or yard.
Bat Trach map
The taboo solution when making a house gate is to arrange the house gate according to the Bat Trach map

Shapes, colors, materials

The shape, color, and material of the gate clearly show the beauty of the outside space. The shape can be square, rectangular or domed, etc. The material can be wood, stainless steel, aluminum, iron, etc. However, these factors will be governed by the destiny of the owner.

  • The arched gate of the house is silver and gray in color, suitable for the owner par Kim.
  • Green gate, wooden or iron material, combined with floral motifs and many parallel bars suitable for the owner of the Moc par.
  • The gate of the house is blue, black, with soft carved patterns, suitable for the owner of the Thuy family.
  • The gate of the house is red, brown, with pointed roof tile design, many patterns suitable for the owner of the Fire par.
  • The square gate is brown, yellow, suitable for the owner of the Tho par.

How wide is the house gate to make

The gate of the house must be designed according to the appropriate size, parameters suitable for the whole house. It is necessary to consider the size of the gate frame, the door size, the roof height, the width of the gate, the height of the gate, the size of the entrance… for construction. If the door is too narrow, it will not be able to absorb air well. On the contrary, if the gate is too wide, the air entering the house will be disturbed, and the good and bad air will be mixed into the house.

house feng shui
Designer gate with golden parameters, commensurate size

The gate of the house is an important element for a good start. Things to avoid taboo when making the gate so as not to receive bad air, bad luck into the house. The gate is an important and indispensable part of the house. In addition to avoiding external bad actors, this is also a place to attract fortune and prosperity for the house. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid taboos when making the gate to make the house more perfect, the family’s life is peaceful and complete. Don’t forget to share with truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn about your feng shui house and update more feng shui knowledge from truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn.

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