Cây trầu bà đế vương là cây gì? Ý nghĩa, cách trồng và chăm sóc chuẩn

Cây trầu bà đế vương là cây gì? Ý nghĩa, cách trồng và chăm sóc chuẩn
Bạn đang xem: Cây trầu bà đế vương là cây gì? Ý nghĩa, cách trồng và chăm sóc chuẩn tại truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn

Queen’s betel nut tree It is a popular plant that is loved by many people. Because it not only brings cool space, high aesthetics but also has an important feng shui meaning. However, not everyone knows what this betel tree means, which is suitable for which destiny? How to grow and care? These will certainly be the questions many people have when starting to learn. Let’s explore more about this plant with me in the article below!

What is the queen betel nut tree?

Betel nut is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Ayurvedic family and has the scientific name Philodendron Imperial. Also known by other names such as giant emperor tree, king tree, or golden betel nut. Betel nut is native to the Americas and is now widely grown in Vietnam.

What is the queen betel nut tree?
queen betel nut tree

Vietnamese families often choose this high-class bonsai line to decorate the interior of houses and offices. Because the great king tree not only brings a cool space but also has a very important feng shui meaning for the homeowner.

Distinguishing characteristics of the queen betel nut tree

King betel nut is a climbing herbaceous plant. The trunk is round and stout and grows into a small bush. A stem divided into many small branches, with gaseous roots clinging to the nodes of the tree to absorb nutrients. The leaves of the king tree are large, single and alternate, the leaf blades are prominent on the leaves, the sheath of each leaf tightly hugs the stem. The tree also has small flowers growing in the axillary, with the shape of a mound and short stalk that looks very beautiful. They can live and grow well in shade conditions.

King betel nut has a fast growth and development rate. With good care, it can grow up to 2m tall. However, if you grow it in a pot and place it indoors, the plant from 40cm – 1.3 is just beautiful. Plants can be grown in soil or hydroponically in water. That is also the reason why offices use this plant to decorate and increase aesthetics.

Why should we plant queen betel nut?

As proven by science, betel nut has a very good effect in purifying the air thanks to its ability to absorb harmful substances, dirt and harmful air and return oxygen to the surrounding environment. Thereby, creating a feeling of openness, comfort and helping your spirit to be more comfortable and light.

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Betel nut helps purify the air
The reason we should display the imperial betel nut tree

Classification of betel nut trees

There are many types of royal betel nut. Each type will have a different size, shape and color. Usually, people divide betel nut by color and the most popular are the 3 types I want to mention below.

Green emperor betel nut tree

Green emperor betel nut
The most popular type of betel nut in Vietnam

The scientific name of imperial green betel nut is Philodendron Imperial Green. The color of the leaves is bright green when young and begins to gradually turn dark green when old. If you use green emperors to decorate the interior, they bring unexpected effects such as:

  • Create a green, fresh and lively living space.
  • Purify the air, help the body relieve stress and fatigue
  • Abundant feng shui meaning, helping to eliminate evil and banish bad luck.
  • The tree represents a strong, unwavering will of the owner. It will be extremely suitable for people with a leadership mindset.

Red emperor betel nut tree

Red emperor betel nut tree
Red emperor betel nut tree

Red imperial betel nut has the scientific name Philodendron Imperial Red. The color of the young leaves is red and gradually turns to a dark green that fades red with age. Unlike green betel nut, red king betel nut has a burgundy color appearing from the petiole spreading to the entire leaf surface. Besides, the red emperor betel nut also brings unexpected utilities no less than the green emperor type such as:

  • Can absorb toxic gases from cigarettes, electronic devices, etc.
  • Plants can remove the carcinogen formaldehydes and many other volatile chemicals. This is an extremely good air purifier.
  • Bring a healthy living space, relax comfortably, create a luxurious feeling for your home.

Golden emperor betel nut tree

Golden emperor betel nut tree
Golden emperor betel nut tree

Golden imperial betel nut has the scientific name Philodendron Imperial Gold and this is a recognized plant worldwide. This yellow-leaved betel nut is native to the islands of Salomol. The size of the tree can grow up to 2m tall. Bright yellow leaves emerge from petioles extending to around the leaf surface. The golden emperor betel nut is almost preferred over the other two because it gives you interesting feng shui beauties and meanings such as:

  • Bring a lot of luck, fortune and operate a good flow of vitality in the house
  • High vitality, less pest damage
  • Suitable for wood or earth people

In short, each type has its own beauty and feng shui meaning. It all depends on one’s choice and preference for them. There are also other rare types of betel nut such as:

Thai betel nut tree

Queen's betel nut tree
Kind of betel vine vines

Betel nut with milk

Suitable for office decoration
Leaf blade with stripes

South American betel nut tree

Trees can be up to 2m tall
Betel nut has a tall stem, large and wide leaves

French betel nut tree

Body of vines
Betel nut with the name “French emperor betel nut”

>>> See more: Betel nut marble: Feng shui meaning, characteristics and care

The meaning of the betel nut tree

Like many other ornamental plants such as ornamental banana trees or ornamental plants, the king tree not only helps to make your home space more green but also has an extremely important feng shui meaning for the homeowner.

Practical meaning (use)

In addition to the use of ornamental and interior decoration, this plant also acts as an air purifier. It brings a fresh and cool living environment. In particular, the plant also has the ability to absorb toxic substances. Specifically, such as cigarette smoke, car smoke, electronic radiation, refrigerants in air-conditioned rooms, etc., help protect human health.

The meaning of feng shui

Like other ornamental plants, betel nut also has a very important feng shui meaning. When grown indoors, they will bring fortune and luck to the owner. Avoid the risks and misfortunes that occur in daily life.

>>> See more: Feng shui plants and 3 notes to help homeowners develop the most fortune and luck

What is the fate of the queen betel nut tree?

The type of tree is quite expensive compared to other types
Betel nut king Buddha’s hand

“What is the fate of the red emperor’s betel nut tree? What age is the red emperor’s betel nut suitable for?” Questions are asked by many people when they intend to choose this plant for display. According to the concept of feng shui, the emperor’s betel nut is compatible with Fire and Earth (because Fire gives birth to Earth) and is suitable for people born in the year of the Horse. And when people with this destiny or age plant a betel nut tree in their home, it will attract a lot of luck and fortune. The job is smooth sailing, the job is prosperous. At the same time, you can avoid bad luck or bad luck.

In addition, for those who are leaders, this tree brings authority, perseverance to reach the greatest peak. It is also because of the above meanings that betel nut is very popular and seen in many families.

>>>For more information: What is the fate of the maple tree? The meaning of feng shui and how to plant and care

How to plant and care for standards and easy to understand

Betel nut is quite rare in Vietnam
Betel nut king hole

For any ornamental plant, proper planting and care is essential. Naturally, not all plants have the same care. Because each tree will have its own unique characteristics. Therefore, if you do not know how to plant and care for betel nut trees, continue to follow the tips that truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn suggests below!

How to grow queen betel nut

As mentioned above, betel nut can be planted in pots or grown in aquatic plants:

  • Hydroponics method: This variety is the most popular because it is easy to grow and care for. You just need to wash the roots. Then put it on a potted plant so that the plant can absorb water and grow normally. Note that it should be placed in shady places, or with little natural light so that the plant can grow better.
  • Potting method: You should choose specialized soils for ornamental plants. These soils are usually porous, soft, and hold water well. In the process of mixing the soil, you should add a little fertilizer to support the growth of the plant faster!

How to take care of the queen betel nut tree

Avoid placing in a place with strong sunlight
Choose a suitable tree location

To have a lush pot of betel nut, you need to pay attention to a few points as follows:

  • Light: This is a plant that likes to live in low light environments. Therefore, the plant can grow and develop well in the home or office. Every day, you can let the plant dry in the early morning sun for about 2 hours so that the plant can regenerate chlorophyll.
  • Water: just ensure enough moisture for the plant, do not overwater to avoid waterlogging of the roots. If you grow aquatic plants, you need to pay attention to change the water for the plants when the water is cloudy. Be careful not to let the water have an unpleasant smell, easy to create conditions for pathogenic bacteria to penetrate.
  • Soil: When growing plants in pots, make sure the soil has good drainage.
  • Fertilization: the first time you plant in the soil, you should not fertilize too much. In order for the plant to grow stably, nitrogen can be added to the plant.
The tree exudes luxury beauty
Young leaves are red and turn green when old

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What are the common diseases in betel nut trees?

Leaf yellow disease

Some common cases of yellowing of leaves:

  • Waterlogged tree
  • The tree is short of water
  • Sudden change in living environment
  • Plants damaged by insects

Leaf blight disease

Betel nut is a semi-light-loving plant. Therefore, when putting the plant in direct sunlight, where there is strong sunlight, it will cause the plant to burn its leaves. Plants with leaf burn reduce photosynthetic leaf area, small stems and leaves. This leads to poor plant growth and eventual death.

Root rot disease

Root rot is a common disease in both soil and aquatic plants. This is also the cause of leaves turning yellow, waterlogged and dead. When planted in soil that is not well ventilated, compressed or blocked drainage holes easily cause root rot. As for aquatic plants, if the water is not changed regularly, the water source is not guaranteed and the roots will rot.

Plants damaged by mealybugs

Although betel nut has few pests and diseases, for mealybugs, this is a serious object of damage to the tree. Mealybugs live in the roots, stems and interstitial leaves, they suck the sap of plants to live. The betel nut plants that are sucked by aphids will be stunted, grow poorly, have curly leaves and are susceptible to fungal infections. Even aquatic plants can be damaged by mealybugs that live in the leaf axils.

Usually decorated in the house
Leaf length is about 25-30 cm

Where should the queen betel nut be placed in the house?

According to folklore, the king betel nut facing the Southeast is the best. Because the tree can promote the full effect of feng shui. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the direction when placing the plant in the house, avoiding the tree in the bad direction. This not only does not promote the effect of feng shui but also affects the fortune of the owner.

Besides, the queen betel nut has a small and beautiful shape, which is most suitable when planted in pots and displayed on desks, study tables, etc. In addition, what makes this plant so popular is its color. luxury ladylike. Therefore, imperial betel nut is very suitable for display in the living room.

Where to buy betel nut king? How much?

The lowest price is about 200,000 VND
Emperor betel nut is widely sold, even online

Betel nut is a very popular ornamental plant in Vietnam. Therefore, you can easily buy plants at bonsai stores with prices ranging from about 200,000 to 1,000,000 VND for a pot depending on the size. In addition, betel nut is also sold at websites, e-commerce platforms or online flower markets.

Thus, truongptdtntthptdienbiendong.edu.vn provided all the information about queen betel nut tree, about the meaning of feng shui as well as how to plant and care for trees. Hope the information is really useful to you. Thanks to that, you can improve the quality of your living space when you understand the beauty and feng shui meaning of this tree!


  1. “Philodendron Erubescens Plant Profile” – JON VANZILE
  2. “Philodendron Erubescens Care – Guide ro Growing Blushing Philodendron” – Soilseedandgarden
  3. “Philodendron Erubescens Care Guide” – Jamie Donovan

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